Setting up DNS over HTTPS using cloudflared
I thought this would be a simple task, and it was now that I'm looking back on it. However the cloudflare documentation isn't clear when deploying to a dedicated server/container. So here's how I did it. Install This section is going to walk you through installing the cloudflared client as a service. The documentation is a bit vague and shows you how to spin up the client but leaves out some important info regarding running it as a service. Install the package, as root, for your OS here . Create /etc/cloudflared/config.yml (see below for contents) Run the client to generate the .pem certs. `cloudflared proxy-dns` The certs won't be put in `/etc/cloudflared` by default. Instead they can be found in roots home dir `/root/.cloudflared`. Move the `cert.pem` to `/etc/cloudflared`. Now you can install the service `cloudflared service install` Ensure that the service enabled and running via systemctl. `systemctl status cloudflared.service` config.yml:...